Massage Massage was born out of a desire to connect massage therapists with people who want to take advantage of the beneficial effects of massage therapy.

As a massage therapist myself, I have always taken care, when my schedule is full, to refer people who contacted me to massage therapists in my community. The goal is to help these people get care quickly and to help my colleagues complete their schedules.

I am therefore pursuing this mission with this automated website that weaves a web and connects a whole community willing to take care of its members and others.


Massage therapy was considered an essential service in Quebec during the pandemic. This has had a positive impact on the profession, and the demand for it has only increased.

Since 2020, men are now more likely than women to get a massage. Last year, 25% of the male population received massage therapy, compared to 21% of the female population.

The World Health Organization has shown that depression and back pain are the leading causes of disability.

Each year in Quebec, 25,552 injuries recorded in the workplace are directly attributable to musculoskeletal disorders (tendonitis, bursitis, low back pain, etc.).

People are increasingly aware that prevention is worth its weight in gold. Our life expectancy is increasing, and we want to maintain our physical and mental faculties for as long as possible.

This is where massage therapy comes in and redefines how we treat our bodies. The beneficial effects are multiple and are a sure bet to your health in the short and long term.



Give a relaxing massage experience to someone special.