Rest assured that each massage therapist completed at least 400 hours of training recognized by a massage therapist association.

All massage therapists have professional liability insurance and are eligible to issue receipts for most insurance companies.



The session will begin with reading your health questionnaire to determine possible contraindications to massage. This information will allow the massage therapist to better target the techniques and strokes to be used during care. Throughout the massage, she will ensure that the care is effective and safe through good communication.

During a massage, each part of the body is awake and stimulated. The body pattern is rebuilt because the brain remembers all areas of the body that are often overlooked or forgotten. The person being massaged can thus experience a feeling of reunification and more confidence in their movements afterwards.


The massage therapist will come to your home with all the necessary equipment for your massage.

All you have to do is give her the space to set up her table.

No need for you to go out and drive. Cocooning at its best!

Private practice

Maybe you prefer to escape and get out of the house? Meet the massage therapist in her home or her office where she will welcome you.

Most popular massage techniques briefly:

  • Swedish massage

    Swedish massage takes place on a massage table under a sheet. It consists of a sequence of pressures performed mainly on muscles and joints with oil or massage gel. It also acts at the blood and lymph levels and improves blood circulation through strokes toward the heart. It will be transformed or adapted to each massage therapist's practice according to her complementary techniques and experience.

  • Californian massage

    Californian massage takes place on a massage table, under a sheet. Using flexible hands, body weight and breathing properly, the therapist invites the recipient to surrender, relax and rediscover the senses. Strokes of varying rhythm and depth are applied directly to the skin with oil. Based on a series of specific strokes, the Californian massage is characterized by its long, enveloping and fluid movements.


  • Sports massage

    Sports massage is usually performed on a massage table. During a sports competition, the massage can also take place in a quiet area, on a massage table or the ground. The use of oil is common with this type of massage.

    The benefits of sports massage are numerous and vary depending on the objective of the treatment and the individual's needs. For example, in the prevention of sports injuries, this type of massage will improve recovery and the return of the body to balance and normality. On the other hand, in the presence of an injury, the treatment will contribute to breaking the cycle of degeneration by setting the optimal conditions for healing the injury.


  • Kinesitherapy

    Swedish massage forms the basis of this bodily approach. In case of a specific problem or pain, the kinesitherapist will use tests to determine whether the client can be treated in kinesitherapy or whether he/she should be referred to another health professional. The kinesitherapist does not offer a diagnosis, but simply ensures that her intervention will beneficial and safe for the client.

    The session begins with a massage of the various structures based on the desired effect. The work can be done on the skin, muscles, and tendons, as well as ligaments to help the client regain an optimal range of movement. It would be unthinkable to perform mobilizations without first having performed a preparatory massage. Kinesitherapy is extremely effective for all pain caused by muscular tension and joint stiffness due to physical inactivity, mechanical overload or joint degeneration.


  • Orthotherapy

    Orthotherapy is a combination of a wide variety of manual therapeutic techniques, mainly from kinesitherapy and massage therapy. Orthotherapy focuses on the muscular and articular systems and aims for the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system. 


  • Shiatsu massage

    This massage is practiced over clothing on a table or the floor on a futon mattress. In shiatsu, the way to circulate energy in the meridians is to apply appropriate pressure, ranging from gentle to intense, along the meridians, including the tsubos (or acupressure points).

    Shiatsu therapists balance the energy in the meridians by stimulating or dispersing the energy and using the tsubos. They choose the zones and meridian segments that they will work on. Pressure can be gentle and pleasant or strong and intense, and good Shiatsu therapists will check with their clients to ensure that the pressure is bearable as well as beneficial.


  • Suitable for pregnant women

    A massage during pregnancy can take place on a massage table or chair. During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, many women will prefer a lateral position (lying on their side), which is more comfortable and provides better blood circulation. However, it is possible to lie on your back or belly. Cushions and bolsters can also be used to ensure the client's comfort throughout the care.

    During the session, the massage therapist will use gentle and comforting strokes to relieve muscular tension and relax the client. She will mainly work on the neck, shoulders, back, legs and feet, as these areas are very stressed during pregnancy. Drainage techniques may also be applied to the legs when they are swollen.

    Massage is contraindicated before 12 weeks of pregnancy and in cases of thrombosis or recent stroke. Like all massages, the one suitable for pregnant women should not be practiced in cases of fever or active infection.

    In case of a high-risk pregnancy, for example, if the woman has pre-eclampsia or gestational diabetes, it is best to first discuss with the attending physician and obtain their agreement before consulting a massage therapist.


  • Deep Tissue massage

    Deep tissue massage takes place on a massage table under a sheet. The massage therapist works directly on the skin without using massage oil but may sometimes use shea butter. The client may be completely naked or keep some clothing on, depending on his/her comfort level and the targeted area of the body. During a session, it is possible to work on the whole body or only a specific region.


  • Thai

    Thai massage is distinguished by three characteristics:


    Energetic work with the palms, thumbs, forearms, elbows, and feet


For more information, please visit the Fédération des massothérapeutes du Québec website from which most of the above information is obtained.